Yotam Ottolenghi
Découvrez la comfort food façon Ottolenghi.
Avec plus de 100 recettes savoureuses, parmi lesquelles des futures incontournables sur les pâtes, les soupes et les pommes de terre, COMFORT est une ode à la nourriture et au fait maison, mais aussi aux liens que nous créons en cuisinant et qui se transmettent de génération en génération. -
Les nouvelles recettes de Yotam Ottolenghi toujours aussi délicieuses et originales, mais à la portée de tous grâce à 6 principes tout simples repérés par des pictogrammes.
- 30 minutes de préparation
- 10 ingrédients maximum
- Recettes gain de temps,à préparer à l'avance
- Recettes du placard
- Peu d'ustensiles, peu de vaisselle
- Spécial débutants. -
Flavour ; plus de légumes, plus de saveurs
Yotam Ottolenghi
- Hachette Pratique
- 28 Octobre 2020
- 9782019453398
Un nouvel opus brillantissime de Yotam Ottolenghi, avec la collaboration d'Ixta Belfrage.
Des idées gourmandes pour les dîners de la semaine, des recettes à la fois faciles et époustouflantes, des repas exceptionnels pour cuisiniers détendus.
FLAVOUR propose une approche originale de la cuisine des légumes, axée sur un savant travail des saveurs. -
Les saveurs et les senteurs de Jérusalem sont notre langue maternelle. Les herbes sauvages ramassées lors de voyages scolaires, les jours de marché, les odeurs du sol sec un jour d'été, les chèvres et les moutons errants dans les collines, les pitas fraîches, le persil coupé, les figues noires, les gâteaux sirupeux, les cookies friables...
Après le succès de Jérusalem et du Cookbook, Plenty est un recueil de plus de 120 recettes végétariennes simples mais inventives et toutes plus appétissantes les unes que les autres. Reconnu depuis plusieurs années comme l'un des nouveaux talents de la cuisine mondiale moderne, Yotam Ottolenghi laisse ici s'exprimer tout son amour pour les produits. Ce livre, qui connut un succès fulgurant en Grande-Bretagne, est un concentré de toutes ses sources d'inspiration : lasagnes aux champignons, crostinis aux poires, gaspacho vert, raviolis au fromage de chèvre et au citron, salade de betteraves, d'oranges et d'olives noires, aubergines gratinées à la crème et à la grenade, etc. L'approche originale et novatrice de Yotam Ottolenghi, fondée sur des saveurs fortes mais fraîches et les associations surprenantes, vous séduira inévitablement, que vous soyez végétarien ou non - Yotam Ottolenghi lui-même ne l'est pas... Une véritable ode aux bons produits et une réelle tentation du végétarisme...
Retrouvez Ottolenghi et son équipe de choc pour des recettes toujours plus spectaculaires. Après Shelf Love, explorez la cuisine du célèbre chef au travers des sauces, des assaisonnements, des condiments... et de tous ces petits plus qui rendent un plat exceptionnel.
Les possibilités sont infinies ! -
Ottolenghi test kitchen : shelf love
Yotam Ottolenghi
- Hachette Pratique
- 13 Octobre 2021
- 9782019460334
Décrouvrez Shelf Love de l'auteur à succès Ottolenghi, accompagné de sa super-équipe de chefs : des recettes irrésistibles pour une cuisine de tous les jours, familiale et modulable, qui révèle les trésors cachés de vos placards, de votre frigo et de votre congélateur.
Les légumes, les graines et autres légumineuses ne sont plus relégués à la place de simple accompagnement mais ont aujourd'hui décroché le premier rôle dans l'assiette. C'est cette révolution en cuisine que Yotam Ottolenghi célèbre dans Plenty More, son nouvel opus consacré à la cuisine végétarienne. Voici 150 nouvelles recettes inventives, réparties par type de cuisson : grillé, bouilli, mijoté, braisé, etc. Bref, un ouvrage inspirant, gourmand et révolutionnaire !
Le restaurant d'Ottolenghi est un lieu incontournable à Londres. Le traiteur, la pâtisserie et la boulangerie sont devenus des destinations culinaires parmi les plus populairesdu moment !
Yotam Ottolenghi et Sami Tamimi partagent dans ce livre des plats simples mais inventifs, qu'ils préparent dans leur restaurant. Ces recettes s'inspirent de leurs enfances respectives à l'ouest et à l'est de Jérusalem, mais sont également le reflet de traditions culinaires de tout le bassin méditerranéen, mâtinées de cuisine italienne et même maghrébine
Après le succès de Jérusalem, les auteurs livrent ici 140 recettes originales - aubergine rôtie et yaourt au safran, patates douces rôties aux noix de pécan et au sirop d'érable, couscous et moghrabieh aux tomates séchées, boulettes de boeuf et d'agneau au tahini, ou encore maquereaux grillés et salsa d'olives vertes, de céleri et de raisins secs - mais aussi les célèbres pains et gâteaux qu'ils proposent à leurs clients. Yotam Ottolenghi et Sami Tamimi vous invitent dans un monde de saveurs créatives et fraîches. -
Il n'y a rien de mieux qu'une génoise aérienne merveilleusement épicée ou qu'un petit gâteau au glaçage délicat pour aiguiser l'esprit et créer un moment de pur bonheur.
Dans les assiettes servies au sein du restaurant londonien de Yotam Ottolenghi, NOPI, les feuilles de bananier rencontrent les graines de grenade, l'anis étoilé se marie avec le sumac et le miso s'associe à la mélasse. Retrouvez toutes ces saveurs dans ce receuil de 120 nouvelles recettes élaborées pour le restaurant et adaptées pour pouvoir être réalisées par tous.
Après le succès de Simple et de Jérusalem, Ottolenghi entreprend un nouveau voyage qui le conduit du Moyen-Orient à l'Extrême-Orient. Accompagné de Ramael Scully, le chef du restaurant, qui apporte sa touche personnelle à de nombreux plats, il vous fait partager sa cuisine généreuse et inspirante. Une aventure fabuleuse, pleine de saveurs audacieuses et de surprises étonnantes. -
Flavour-forward, vegetable-based recipes are at the heart of Yotam Ottolenghi's food.
In this stunning new cookbook Yotam and co-writer Ixta Belfrage break down the three factors that create flavour and offer innovative vegetable dishes that deliver brand-new ingredient combinations to excite and inspire.
Ottolenghi FLAVOUR combines simple recipes for weeknights, low effort-high impact dishes, and standout meals for the relaxed cook. Packed with signature colourful photography, FLAVOUR not only inspires us with what to cook, but how flavour is dialled up and why it works.
The book is broken down into three parts, which reveal how to tap into the potential of ordinary vegetables to create extraordinary food:
Process explains cooking methods that elevate veg to great heights;
Pairing identifies four basic pairings that are fundamental to great flavour;
Produce offers impactful vegetables that do the work for you.
With surefire hits, such as Aubergine Dumplings alla Parmigiana, Hasselback Beetroot with Lime Leaf Butter, Miso Butter Onions, Spicy Mushroom Lasagne and Vegetable Schnitzel, plus mouthwatering photographs of nearly every one of the more than 100 recipes, Ottolenghi FLAVOUR is the impactful, next-level approach to vegetable cooking that Ottolenghi fans and vegetable lovers everywhere have been craving.
Ottolenghi test kitchen : extra good things
Yotam Ottolenghi
- Random House Uk
- 20 Septembre 2022
- 9781529109474
Ottolenghify every meal. Yotam Ottolenghi and his superteam are back, with flexible, flavour-packed dishes that all lend a little something to the next meal. It''s harissa butter on a roasted mushroom, then tossed with steamed veg or stuffed into a baked potato. It''s tamarind dressing on turmeric fried eggs, then drizzled over a steak the next day. Extra Good Things is rounded off with a chapter on the ''one basics'' of desserts for you to perfect and then adapt with your favourite flavour combinations, such as ''one basic mousse'' transformed into coffee mousse with tahini fudge. This is playing it forward, Ottolenghi style, filling your cupboards with adaptable homemade ingredients to add some oomph to every mealtime. Praise for Ottolenghi Test Kitchen Shelf Love : ''I absolutely love this book!'' - Nigella Lawson ''You could cook out of this for years and never eat a dull meal.'' - Diana Henry, Telegraph ''In this guide to making the most of what you have, it''s inspiration that shines, rather than fancy ingredients.'' - Observer Books of the Year
With his fabulous restaurants and bestselling Ottolenghi Cookbook, Yotam Ottolenghi has established himself as one of the most exciting talents in the world of cookery and food writing. This exclusive collection of vegetarian recipes is drawn from his column 'The New Vegetarian' for the Guardian's Weekend magazine, and features both brand-new recipes and dishes first devised for that column.
Yotam's food inspiration comes from his strong Mediterranean background and his unapologetic love of ingredients. Not a vegetarian himself, his approach to vegetable dishes is wholly original and innovative, based on strong flavours and stunning, fresh combinations. With sections devoted to cooking greens, aubergines, brassicas, rice and cereals, pasta and couscous, pulses, roots, squashes, onions, fruit, mushrooms and tomatoes, the breadth of colours, tastes and textures is extraordinary.
Featuring vibrant, evocative food photography from acclaimed photographer Jonathan Lovekin, and with Yotam's voice and personality shining through, Plenty is a must-have for meat-eaters and vegetarians alike.
Relaxed, flexible home cooking from Yotam Ottolenghi and his superteam. Whether they''re conjuring up new recipes or cooking for themselves at home, the Ottolenghi Test Kitchen team do what we all do: they raid their kitchens. But then, they turn whatever they find into approachable creations with an ''Ottolenghi'' twist. This instinct is in perfect sync with recent times, when we''ve all been standing in front of our kitchen shelves, our cupboards and our fridges, wondering what to cook with what we''ve got; how to put a can of chickpeas or a bag of frozen peas to good use, instead of taking an extra trip to the shops. For the first time, the team welcome us into their creative space. These dishes pack all the punch and edge we expect from Ottolenghi, but offer more flexibility to make them our own, using what we''ve got to hand. There''s the ultimate guide to creamy dreamy hummus, a one-pan route to confit tandoori chickpeas and a tomato salad that rules them all. This book is all about feeding ourselves and our families with less stress and less fuss, but with all the ''wow'' of an Ottolenghi meal. It''s a notebook to scribble on and add to, to take its ethos and absolutely make it your own. This is how to cook, the OTK way.
Vegetables have moved from the side dish to the main plate, grains celebrated with colour and flair. It's a revolution that is bold, inspiring and ever-expanding. This book focuses on vegetable dishes, with the emphasis on flavour, original spicing and freshness of ingredients, caused a revolution not just in this country, but the world over.
The Sunday Times and New York Times Bestseller 'There's nothing like a perfectly light sponge flavoured with spices and citrus or an icing-sugar-dusted cookie to raise the spirits and create a moment of pure joy.' In his stunning new baking and desserts cookbook Yotam Ottolenghi and his long-time collaborator Helen Goh bring the Ottolenghi hallmarks of fresh, evocative ingredients, exotic spices and complex flavourings - including fig, rose petal, saffron, aniseed, orange blossom, pistachio and cardamom - to indulgent cakes, biscuits, tarts, puddings, cheesecakes and ice cream.
Sweet includes over 110 innovative recipes with stunning photos by award-winning Peden + Munk - from Blackberry and Star Anise Friands, Tahini and Halva Brownies, Persian Love Cakes, Middle Eastern Millionaire's Shortbread, and Saffron, Orange and Honey Madeleines to Flourless Chocolate Layer Cake with Coffee, Walnut and Rosewater and Cinnamon Pavlova with Praline Cream and Fresh Figs.
There is something here to delight everyone - from simple mini-cakes and cookies that parents can make with their children to showstopping layer cakes and roulades that will reignite the imaginations of accomplished bakers.
NOPI: THE COOKBOOK includes over 120 of the most popular dishes from Yotam's innovative Soho-based restaurant NOPI. It's written with long-time collaborator and NOPI head chef Ramael Scully, who brings his distinctive Asian twist to the Ottolenghi kitchen. Whether you're a regular at the NOPI restaurant and want to know the secret to your favourite dish or are an Ottolenghi fan who wants to try out restaurant-style cooking, this is a collection of recipes which will inspire, challenge and delight.
All recipes have been adapted and made possible for the home cook to recreate at home. They range in their degree of complexity so there is something for all cooks. There are dishes that long-time Ottolenghi fans will be familiar with - a starter of aubergine with black garlic, for example, or the roasted squash with sweet tomatoes - as well as many dishes which will stretch the home cook as they produce some of the restaurant's signature dishes at home, such as Beef brisket croquettes or Persian love rice. With chapters for starters & sides, fish, meat & vegetable mains, puddings, brunch, condiments and cocktails, a menu can easily be devised for any occasion and purpose.
Ottolenghi is one of the iconic and dynamic restaurants in the country. This title covers 140 original recipes from meat and fish main courses, through to various healthy and quick salads and suppers, as well as Ottolenghi's famous and delectable cakes and breads.